Wednesday, February 6, 2008

lambs are fun

It’s lambing season here. I promise I’ll be going to the farm again soon to take pictures, and you will die over the cuteness of these animals. Andy is the farmer and he has been explaining different logistics over lambing. But in the end I just want to take them all home with me and snuggle. Really they look like puppies, but very disproportionate. They have long legs and a pretty long tail with this itsy bitsy body, all very cute. Hopefully the next time we go to see them we’ll be able to witness a few births too.

Last night was “Pancake Night” in the village hall. As I understand it, most villages do this. I guess lent starts today? Ash Wednesday? So this is something they do here to get rid of materials you can’t use during lent… maybe. Obviously I’m not too familiar with this lent thing so the details are pretty hazy. But for £2.50 I got 5 crepes and got to meet a few more villagers, including the children! This was the largest number of humans under the age of 50 I’ve seen in one place since I’ve been here.

The weather keeps confusing us. We’ll have a few days of rain, and then it’s beautiful, then incessant rain, then sunshine. I don’t mind the rain as long as we don’t have to walk anywhere (Trevor says he’s “gone soft” because he always picks us up when it’s raining, I can’t imagine having to do the hike to his house in rain… and wind). The sunshine is distracting though because when it’s so beautiful outside who really wants to stay indoors and practice all day? I’ll try and go out for a little while, but then once I come back in it’s even more difficult to be motivated with flute.

I’m in shock over how quickly this term is going by. We really only have about 11 weeks left here, and for 3 of those Trevor will be gone in Japan. A few guests are coming, so we will still have class, which is good. But he decided that our big projects for this term are be due to him by the time he returns from Japan. I’m trying to gain the motivation to work on this project, but I’m still catching up on listening projects and I’ve been slowly losing my ability to multi-task since I’ve been here.

Other than those few things, not much else is really happening here. Just the usual routines and issues with class and staying on Trevor’s good side. I am getting anxious for the end though, and am ready to return to the US. It’s great to be in another country, but it’s so difficult to be away for so long without constant contact with loved ones. I never realized how amazing cell phones really are.
