Saturday, April 11, 2009

wtf lincoln

Why is tipping such a hard concept. I don't understand. Are some people just never given the memo on how to tip? When it's necessary, etc.? My hourly wage is around $2 while waitressing which should average out when tips are added in to a decent hourly rate. But when customers don't understand that yes, you are supposed to tip the waitress running her ass off for you, covered in chocolate and strawberry syrups after making her 5th malt of the hour, it doesn't always work out so well. I'm not trying to be greedy, but I think I am a pretty good waitress, worthy of a decent tip. And it's more of what it says about the customers. Do you not feel that I am worthy of your tip? What more do you want from me to earn a decent tip? I think you should have a base tip, and then you can alter it because of really excellent or really poor service. But come on, $2.00 tip on a $20 ticket? That's not good. Not good at all.

And for the love of god, TIP BEFORE DISCOUNT! If your kids are eating for free, and I've refilled their drinks twice, gotten them ice cream, AND have to clean up the ridiculous mess they've left, at least leave me to $1 I would have earned if you had to pay for their meal.

This is the rant that never ends in my mind.

beautiful days

In my mind, this is the perfect day. It is absolutely beautiful outside, inspiring me to do all sorts of Spring Cleaning activities. I've done two loads of laundry, both get to air dry since it's nice enough out. I cleaned the kitchen after an amazing meal last night, and pancakes this morning. Cooking is so soothing, and although I always dread the post cooking clean up, it's so worth it in the end and gives me this huge feeling of accomplishment. Which is of course increased when I look in the fridge and see all the leftovers I get to enjoy. The back door is open with fresh spring air circulating in the apartment. I got to sleep in this morning, and although I want to get some exercise in too, I'm so excited to have time to clean that it's ok if I don't get to that. Although after I dry my air, I do believe a bike ride to the co-op for more eggs and bread is in order.

I wonder how long this refreshed feeling is going to last... especially since rain is predicted for tomorrow.

Friday, April 10, 2009

wonders of tea

I love tea. I wake and I just want it. I practice and I need it. And, not only is it tasteful in its usual form, black, herbal, green, etc., but now my roommate and I have been able to alter these usual standards. Simply add a few rose petals to Darjeeling, making it Darjeeling Rose which in itself sounds fancy, and there you have it. Gloriousness in a tea pot. Lavender with Earl Grey gives new meaning to what it is be alive.

Now research is showing that tea is good on more levels than just being delicious. It may actually be preventing breast cancer. Crazy! Of course now that I've posted this, I'm sure I will be the percentage that is not effected by the powers of tea. But, nevertheless, tea is a wondrous thing. All should drink multiple cups daily.

The End.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

how did I get here?

I don't know how it happens, but somehow everyday manages to turn into a marathon. Between showering, exercise, practicing, homework, cooking, cleaning, playing with the cat, etc, etc - it's just non-stop. Sure, many of those things aren't necessarily the average definition of stressful, but knowing that there are endless things I want to accomplish in a day makes everything feel stressful. I like all those things. I look forward to cooking a real meal, to running, to practicing. But the fact that there are those many things that don't get written on the to-do list, and therefore can't be crossed off at the end of the day make me feel as if I've accomplished nothing.

Maybe I'll start writing every detail of my day down so I feel productive.

7:30 woke
7:30-8:00 human contact
8:00-8:15 cat contact
8:15-8:45 began slow cooker meal
8:45-9:30 shower and getting pretty
9:30-10:00 homework for Friday and breakfast
10:00-10:30 finish dinner in slow cooker and dishes
10:30-11:00 email and day planning
11:00-11:45 errands (including but not limited to Kinko's and Post Office)
11:45-1:00 learning to be SAI treasurer over lunch
1:00-2:15 practicing
2:15-3:45 lecture on importance of local food
3:45-4:30 practice
4:30-5:30 rehearsal
5:30-6:30 dinner
6:30-7:00 practice
7:00-9:00 running and yoga
9:00-10:00 practice
10:00-11:00 shower and getting organized for tomorrow


invigorating, no?